Articles by Priscilla Franken

By the numbers

Increasing number of women in top business jobs

The number of women in top executive jobs in Canada’s largest publicly traded companies has never been higher...

Good to know

Generation Y seeks friends at work

But what makes generation Y tick? Fellowship and discovery above all, according to the recently released 2008 Digital Generation Survey, conducted by Career Innovation and AIESEC.

Good to know

Online videos: best viewed at work!

Caught in the act at work! According to a recent Nielsen Online study, Americans prefer viewing videos during work hours.

By the numbers

59% of Canadians wish they could go back to school

According to the latest Monster Worldwide poll, whose results were published at the end of November, many Canadians dream of going back to school because they feel they are not learning anything at work...

Good to know

Supporting volunteerism: a good thing

Volunteerism which covers a multitude of activities is no longer a purely individual affair, and interests an increasing number of Canadian employers...

By the numbers

Shift workers not very satisfied

According to a recent Statistics Canada study, shift workers suffer from role overload and are dissatisfied with their work-life balance.

Oddly enough

Swatch has feminists up in arms

"Ladies, this ad is for you!" It is with this somewhat clumsy assertion that Nivarox wants to attract female residents of Neuchâtel...

By the numbers

74%: a record employment rate for Canada

The share of the Canadian adult population working is at a historic high, according to a recent OECD report.


Differences between female and male management styles

  We are in the 21st century, and the question is still being asked: What is the place of women in the business world?

Good to know

Google’s recipe for happy employees: it works!

Is Google the perfect employer? Ranked first in numerous surveys of the top employers, the leading search engine seems to make its employees happy.

By the numbers

Employment and education advancing in Canada

Canadians are increasingly educated and the country's employment rate keeps climbing…

Good to know

Telecommuting: When flexibility and cost-effectiveness go hand-in-hand

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular with employers, and rightly so—good reasons for adopting it abound. network