The new newsletter has arrived!
This month, as announced at the beginning of summer, we have put the new version of La Toile des Recruteurs online as well as its English version.
The translation is not literal since La Toile des Recruteurs becomes in English. The content will not be literal either. What can prove to be of interest to a Human Resource professional in Quebec can be of no interest to their counterpart in Manitoba… As for the HR job offers, from now on they can be posted in both official languages and not only one below the other as is too often the case. We have improved the visibility of our clients’ job postings, these remaining the unique source of financing the exclusive content of the site.
From now on there is no need to wait for the monthly newsletter to know what’s happening. The news will be posted like job offers, as and when it occurs. A big step for instant news. As more than half of you visit the site several times a month it was imperative that we update our website on a regular basisA recap of what has been put online the preceding month will be sent to the 3658 subscribers on the 1st of every month (except this month as it is already the 12th ….)
There still remain a number of adjustments to make, but the essentials are in place.
We hope that this method will be satisfactory and that it will give you the desire to visit us more often and why not… contribute, whether it be on an occasional or a regular basis.
As you will soon notice, the content on takes precedent over promotional issues or sales (it has always been the case for the Toile des Recruteurs so fare). The point is that you can find here what interests you the most: job postings in human resources and relevant, diverse, concise and concrete information that you won’t find elsewhere. As long as we are completely free to share news with you above everything else, we will do it.
Thank you readers, clients, and candidates for your confidence and above all stay connected to see the new method evolve!