By the numbers

By the numbers

76.3% of companies use social media

International law firm Proskauer conducted a study of 120 multinationals on the use of social media in the workplace. Findings show that more than three quarters of companies use these tools for business purposes.

By the numbers

Business barometer: Businesses confidence down slightly

In early July, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business published the results of its quarterly survey on SME perspectives. In June, the business barometer index stood at 66.3.

By the numbers

Employers lack real workplace wellness strategies

According to a study by Buck Consultants, only 30% of Canadian employers are measuring the outcomes of their wellness plans.

By the numbers

15% of executives plan to add staff during the quarter

The recently published Robert Half Professional Employment Report shows that 15% of Canadian executives plan to hire full-time employees during Q2 2011.

By the numbers

23% of companies stop their employees from accessing Facebook

Despite its popularity, the famous social networking site is off-limits at work for a number of companies worldwide, which have blocked their employees’ access to it.

By the numbers

Canada, third-most optimistic country for 2011

Canadian workers are confident, with more than half expecting better employment conditions and pay increases this year.

By the numbers

Diversity pays off with 5 to 15% better performance

Diverse teams—which include women, seniors, handicapped people and foreign-born workers—are scientifically more productive.By Caroline David

By the numbers

2.8% increase in Canadian salaries for 2011

There’s a bit of good news on the salary front. According to data compiled by the CRHA, compensation is projected to increase by 2.8% in 2011.

By the numbers

Managing talent in the top five new HR concerns

More than 5,500 managers from 109 countries responded to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) survey. The results of this inquiry were presented exclusively at the 13th World Human Resources Congress, HR Without Limits.

By the numbers

59% of Canadian employees satisfied with their health care plans

The results of the sanofi-aventis Healthcare Survey released at the end of July reveal that employer engagement is a good investment.

By the numbers

37% of employees more “techno-village”

Are your employees “techno-village,” “techno-curious,” “techno-ambitious” or “techno-citizens”? A recent survey described four typical employee/Internet user profiles and proposed ten new management methods involving the use of new technologies.

By the numbers

Strong link between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement

According to a study conducted by Hewitt and Canadian Business for Social Responsibility, there is a strong correlation between employee engagement and how they view their employer’s record on social and environmental responsibility.

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