

What is authentic leadership?

Ever since certain pop psychology books have started covering business issues, the topic of leadership has known its share of pat answers...


Developing an inspiring employer brand

Why is it important to develop an employer brandand why is there so much interest in this? How do you build employee loyaltyand attract candidates? How can companies gain added value and stand out fromthe competition? These are important issues to address.


How and why to clarify corporate values at the time of hire

Showing an interest in the values of employees right from the hiring stage may appear en inappropriate. And yet, individual values interact with corporate ones…


Encouraging multicultural encounters in the workplace

How do we interact and forge links with people from other cultures, taking into account their differences and strengths?...


Motivation-destroying behaviour in the workplace

Because motivation is a key aspect of personnel management, motivated, happy employees cost companies a lot less than employees who are not. Employers that can motivate their employees have everything to gain!


Emotional intelligence at work: drawing the line between interfering and improving skills

According to Nadine Murard, trainer and researcher in emotional intelligence, recruiters under-estimate emotional intelligence at work…


Concentration in the job board world

In four months, three U.S. job board networks have acquired Canadian job boards. With increasing competition, internal growth is starting to reach its limits, especially in the U.S., and borders no longer deter potential buyers.


The dollar and jobs: the double-edged sword of the loonie’s ascent

The loonie and jobs are soaring together. Economists agree that the sudden increase of the dollar is related to the remarkable growth in job creation. But this virtuous cycle could turn out to be more vicious than it appears…


New Zealand: a new Eldorado for seniors

Usually, when experts discuss the effects of the aging of the population on the labour force, their conclusions are irrefutable...


The tail that wags the dog

the dog with two tails...


Close-up of the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA)

The Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA) is a federal organization that oversees all the provincial human resources associations in Canada. The following is a brief overview of its functions...


Online Branding – Offline Thinking.

When is a brand not a brand? Now that takes some thinking about and if you ask a million marketers you may have a million different answers...

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