Good to know

Good to know

Job uncertainty: unstable life for the young European

Constant job uncertainty for Italian graduates; In Spain: Graduates in a state of permanent instability; In France: young people against the first employment contract.

Good to know

Following flight simulators on computers, here is a simulator of the life in a company

Following flight simulators on computers, here is a simulator of the life in a company.  As in the real life in a company, you must look after your relationships with colleagues, play the political game and complete your daily tasks. You are stuck to either a union delegate or a sales representative and you have to complete various missions like faking company accounts or getting the boss’s son fired. Of course…anything is allowed to reach your goals.

Good to know

Recruiter’s resolutions 2006

What will be recruiter’s resolutions in 2006? Here is a short list to get you thinking…

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