Job advice


Is the CV obsolete?

Absolutely not, but while the content remainsrelevant, the form is blossoming.


Corporate diversity rewarded

A new award honours the "Best Corporate Diversity Employers." This type of initiative highlights the importance for companies of broadening their recruiting...

Good to know

Google’s recipe for happy employees: it works!

Is Google the perfect employer? Ranked first in numerous surveys of the top employers, the leading search engine seems to make its employees happy.

By the numbers

Employment and education advancing in Canada

Canadians are increasingly educated and the country's employment rate keeps climbing…


Drumming to awaken company spirit

Reinforcing team bonding using tamtams is the unusual idea of Boom! The Power of Rhythm.

Good to know

Telecommuting: When flexibility and cost-effectiveness go hand-in-hand

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular with employers, and rightly so—good reasons for adopting it abound.


Robert Half International, CSST, HRPAO,Manpower,…

British Columbia seeking workers! Recruiting is top concern of chief financial officers HRPAO becomes HRPA Work week is shorter, and women are working longer hours Q2 2008 should experience a positive hiring climate Half of all working women are in vulnerable jobs


Encouraging multicultural encounters in the workplace

How do we interact and forge links with people from other cultures, taking into account their differences and strengths?...

To see

Vote for Emma, candidate for a job!

Emma, the 22-year-old French communications graduate, could be mistaken for a campaigning politician. She doesn't aspire to political office, however—she just wants a job!

Oddly enough

Official fired for snoozing

Jiang Wenhui paid a heavy price for not being to keep his eyes open...


eFairJob, the first virtual Canadian job fair

First there were business meetings on Second Life, and now there is the first Canadian virtual job fair. eFairJob will run from March 17 to 28, 2008.


Motivation-destroying behaviour in the workplace

Because motivation is a key aspect of personnel management, motivated, happy employees cost companies a lot less than employees who are not. Employers that can motivate their employees have everything to gain! network