Job advice

Company life

Sexual and gender diversity: 5 tips to make workplaces more inclusive

Even though awareness has been growing in recent years, harassment in the workplace is definitely still there. According to a Léger survey, 35% of Quebecers have been subjected to at least one situation of psychological or sexual harassment in the last 5 years. Among LGBTQ+ people, this rate is 65%. Another vision is therefore necessary […]


Does remote work make it easier to hire disabled workers?

Interview with Laurence Marin, Executive Director of Regroupement des organismes spécialisés pour l’emploi des personnes handicapées (ROSEPH) [Group of specialized organizations for the employment of people with disabilities]. Remote work is a benefit for certain disabled people The pandemic revolutionized the world of employment. Remote work is now the norm for a large number of […]


A review of hirings and dismissals in Canada – May 2022

Employment stabilizes The employment rate remained at 61.9% in April After two consecutive months of increases, the employment rate has changed little and stabilized in Canada, according to data from Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey. Job gains in professional, scientific and technical services and in public administration were offset by declines in construction […]

Company life

How do you survive a toxic boss?

Your manager is always ready to criticize whatever you say and do. Your motivation is in free fall, and your performance suffers the consequences. How do you survive a toxic boss? In business, an inflexible person in a position of authority can cause a lot of psychological and social damage around them. They may not […]

Career management

4 tips to follow if you return to work for a former employer

You left your job to try other experiences. After working abroad, resuming studies or changing your career, you decide to accept a position with your former employer. With your new skills in hand, your in-depth knowledge of the organization and your motivation pumped up, the future looks promising. But one question bothers you: did you […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – April 2022: The employment rate still on the rise

The employment rate continues to grow in Canada, according to data from Statistics Canada’s latest Labor Force Survey (LFS). Employment increased by 73,000 in March, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from February. This increase can be explained in particular by the fact that the Canadian provinces have continued to relax health measures related to […]


Has the pandemic put an end to the “9 to 5”?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid change to remote work has turned office life upside down. Many workers have taken advantage of flexibility, which gives them a better personal and work life balance. So it seems that the health crisis has shaken the traditional “9 to 5”. “The 9 to 5, as we know it, […]


Five questions before accepting a job offer

The job interview is often a stressful experience. Focused on the image that they wish to convey, applicants sometimes don’t clarify certain essential points. So, before accepting an offer, here are five questions that should not be ignored.  Is the company flexible? The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that many tasks can be done remotely. According […]


Report on hirings and layoffs – March 2022: employment on the rise again

The employment rate is on the rise again in Canada, according to data from the most recent Labor Force Survey (LFS) from Statistics Canada. After a decline attributable to the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of jobs in Canada increased by 337,000 in February. This increase was mainly observed in the private […]

Career management

4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping

Professional job hopping is gaining momentum as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to play its part. And, with the scarcity of labour, many people are tempted to go and see if the grass really is greener elsewhere! 4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping   Job hopping is reserved for young people “Professional job hopping […]

Company life

How to help your teams cope with daily stress 

The work world has been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. As an employer, you’re not only redoubling your efforts to attract new recruits, but also to retain your staff. Your concern for the mental health of your troops is front and centre. According to an October 2021 survey of 1,500 Canadians by Sun […]


Report on hirings and dismissals — February 2022: The employment rate is falling

The employment rate is down in Canada, according to data from Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey. While it had increased in recent months, the employment rate finally fell in January 2022. 200,000 jobs were lost, including 117,000 part-time. For the first time since April 2021, the unemployment rate has thus increased. It reached […]

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