Job advice


Modest raises for Canadians in 2014

Canadians throughout the country can expect moderate wage increases in 2014 despite sluggish economic growth. According to The Conference Board of Canada, the average salary gains for non-unionized employees across the nation are projected to be 2.9 per cent.

By the numbers

Skills shortage: 66% of companies suffering

Year after year, the number of hirings does not match the level of forecasts, according to the 2014 salary guide published by Hays. However, Canadian business leaders are indicating at the same time that they are having to face a shortage of skills on the labour market. They are also optimistic for growth in 2014.

Good to know

Generation Y is redrawing the Canadian entrepreneurial landscape

According to the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF), Generation Y is much more focused on starting a business than preceding generations. To such an extent that it is completely redrawing the Canadian entrepreneurial landscape.

By the numbers

Canada’s employment outlook shows promising signs for early 2014

Good news for Canadians. As much as 13 per cent of the nation’s companies are planning to add jobs in the first quarter of 2014, according to the international staffing company Manpower Group.


Ottawa strengthens the rules relating to foreign workers

Until now, officials could not inspect a workplace without authorization. The Canadian government has just changed this by authorizing inspections without a warrant. This new regulation aims to appease Canadians afraid of seeing their jobs “stolen” by foreign workers.

Oddly enough

The highest paid CEOs have already earned the average annual salary in Canada

At the beginning of the year, a study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives reported on the salaries of the 100 highest paid Canadian CEOs. According to their calculations, at exactly 1:11 pm on January 2, a majority of them had already pocketed what the average Canadian earns in a full year.


JobWings acquires

From now on, a job seeker that types will be redirected to jobWings careers network. The largest Canadian editor of specialized career related sites announced it has acquired the rights to the Internet domain name from Brain Wave Holdings Inc.


Enhancements to pension plans

The federal government will not commit to enhancements to the Canada Pension Plans (CPP). This is the conclusion of the meeting between the ministers of the federal government and the Ministers of Finance of the different provinces.

Good to know

Keywords for the year on LinkedIn

After Facebook and Twitter, it’s LinkedIn’s turn to publish the ranking of the most use words on its site in 2013. “Responsible”, “strategic” and “effective” are among the most used. Focus on this ranking and how a profile can be optimized.


Best Employer in Canada: And the winner is…

AON Hewitt, an American company specializing in human resources and consulting services, has recently released its 15th annual list of the 50 Best Employers in Canada. The 2014 results see companies setting the bar when it comes to making both their employees and clients feel happy and taken care of.


December review of hirings and layoffs

Staff of two financial institutions received bad news for employment this month. While financial support from governments continue to help create jobs.

By the numbers

Do you love me, Quebec?

Alberta wants to know if Quebecers love them. Its government is trying to figure out why the residents of the Belle Province rarely apply for work in the province, considering the sea of employment opportunities waiting for them. 

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