To see

To see

The virtues of humour at work

Humour is good for health and even more. Bringing humour to the professional sphere can have good benefits. It influences the well-being and productivity of employees as well as the operation of companies.  

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Extreme interview experience

Going to a job interview was not stressfull enough for candidates so LG Chile decided to spice them up...

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Labour shortage?

Solutions are on the horizon...

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Avoiding the discipline trap

Affaires RH lists a series of advice from experts on the issue of discipline in the workplace.

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An inspiring video message dedicated to job seekers


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Contextual interview at Heineken

An original way of selecting a candidate out of 1734 applications and create employer awarness.

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Simplicity speed effectiveness for this low budget recruitment campaign from Ikea Australia

Simplicity speed effectiveness for this low budget recruitment campaign from Ikea Australia

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Don’t let this happen to you: Robert Half’s recruiting videos

Recruiting firm Robert Half has launched a “Don’t let this happen to you”* section on its website, featuring a bunch of funny videos on what not to do during job interviews.

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Social media for dummies

A short clip on YouTube convinces recruiters of the benefits for companies of using social media.  

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Réinventer le management

Modern management guru Gary Hamel presents his vision of human resources in a 15-minute video* titled "Reinventing management for the 21st century," excerpted from a talk given at the University of Phoenix.

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« Le voyage du directeur des ressources humaines »

“The Human Resources Manager” From Israel to Romania, the tragicomic, spiritual journey of a human resources manager. A French-Israeli film directed by Eran Riklis.

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Le congrès mondial des ressources humaines “RH sans limites” vu par La Toile des Recruteurs


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