Know how to retain experienced workers

Partnering with Générations au travail, réussir ensemble!, the Université TELUQ has put a tool online for companies located in Québec that lets them assess their employment practices for people who are 50 years old and above.

Workforce diversification is more than age differences: it has been proven that having employees of different generations is good for creativity and productivity, and exchanges of viewpoints help generate new ideas and good practices. In particular, knowledge transfer from workers who are 50 years old and above to younger people lets your company capitalize on this expertise by training the next generation.

But to get to this point, these older people still have to be given an opportunity! Is this the case for your company? Université TELUQ’s test “Attracting and retaining the experienced workforce” can help you assess it. Using a series of questions divided into several sections, it analyzes your HR practices and helps you diagnose the attractiveness and retention of people in your company who are 50 years old and above.

Once you know where you stand in this issue (good practices? work to be done? consider fundamental changes?) you can improve using the tools, forums and lectures offered as part of the Générations au travail, réussir ensemble! (Generations at work, succeeding together!) awareness campaign. A downloadable kit is available at this site.

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