Social Media at Work: Embrace it or Ban it?

For years, companies have blocked employee access to the Facebooks, Twitters and LinkedIns of the world. However, today’s employers are seeing social media’s benefits and are struggling with whether or not to limit it at work. To ban or not to ban? That is the new question.

Big Brother looses his grip

Unless employers are prepared to ban technology in the workplace, blocking social media access is pretty unrealistic. With the advent of smartphones and tablets, most workers will take a peek at their Instagram updates or Twitter feeds at their desks or in the restroom throughout the day, regardless of their company’s policies on its use.

The new coffee break

While time spent on Facebook may seem like time wasted, banning it only makes sense on the surface. It would be foolish to think that employees can just sit at their desk and concentrate for eight hours straight.

“To maintain productivity, employees need small breaks throughout the day that will reenergize the mind,” states Angelo Kinicki, professor at the School of Business at Arizona State University, in an interview with

Just as some people will gossip around the water cooler, others will go on social networks for a temporary distraction.

Security risks

Many managers will restrict access to social networks because of security fears. According to a recent survey by Ponemon Institute, an independent researcher on online privacy and security, over half of employees using social media at work are oblivious to online safety concerns such as a potential loss of confidential company data or increases in virus and malware attacks.

With the good comes the bad, and social media is no exception. Before taking a stance on the use of social media at work, organizations must first understand how to use its different platforms and features effectively, and manage it as to not cause issues for employees or the company itself.

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