Stop psychological harassment before it spreads

Since the section relating to psychological harassment came into effect in the Labour standards in June 2004, around 5000 non-unionized Quebecer workers, especially women, brought claims before the labour standards Commission. Unionized people proceed via the union path.

Eight times out of ten, claims are against managers, immediate superiors in particular.

What becomes of them? One plaintive in four gives up along the way, more than one in three cases is deemed non-fundable by the standards Commission investigators, while another third take place at a hearing between the plaintive and the employer. The standards Commission has put 6% of claims through to an administrative tribunal.

Source: François Berger, Au Québec : des milliers de plaintes déposées pour harcèlement psychologique au travailLa Presse, 2 mai 2006 (French only)

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