Articles by Manuel Francisci


Good candidates don’t always make the best employees…

Are you looking for candidates or employees? Good candidates don’t always make the best employees…


Look after your employer image now, reply to candidates who write to you

“Don’t be surprised if we don’t get back to you” The field of recruitment doesn’t escape from the old saying…putting it off today will only make the task more difficult tomorrow. The wind always changes…


Any candidate has sufficient qualities to reply to any job posting

Whose fault is it? Many of you blame generalist job sites when faced with the quantity and poor quality of applications received following a job posting…The source of the problem comes in part from the way in which job offers are written


Happiness at work, fuelling productive employees

The money doesn’t bring happiness; salary is no longer adequate.


Interview: Jeff Taylor from Monster founder and CEO of Monster Worldwide

Jeff Taylor, founder and CEO of Monster Worldwide meets Manuel Francisci, president and founder of jobWings. When the king of Internet recruitment, at the head of the largest generalist site in the world meets the owner of specialized sites in Quebec, what do they talk about? Fascinating!

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