Articles by Séverine Degallaix

Oddly enough

Recruiting firm gets cooking

Feel like spicing up a recruiting firm website? Barbara Personnel has found the way...

By the numbers

59% of Canadian employees satisfied with their health care plans

The results of the sanofi-aventis Healthcare Survey released at the end of July reveal that employer engagement is a good investment.

By the numbers

Employment services industry in Canada

At the end of June, Statistics Canada released its 2007 Employment Services Report...

Oddly enough

Employees of the future: Say cheese!

Smile, you’re going to work! A Japanese transportation company has just initiated a rather unusual morning ritual...

Good to know

Apprenticeship training pays off!

According to a Canadian Apprenticeship Forum study, hiring an apprentice improves companies’ bottom line...

Call to order

3 to 5% of GDP lost because of stress

Many studies have assessed the “deferred cost” of stress, in terms of lost productivity and proved that the phenomenon costs between 3 and 5% of GDP in most industrialized countries.

Oddly enough

Parents at job interviews

Mom and Dad accompanied you to your first day of school, so why not to the first job interview?

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