It’s not just at home that spring is a good time for organizing and housekeeping – at the office as well you can take advantage of these first rays of sunshine to put some order into your files and thereby gain efficiency. 5 steps to face April looking good. 1. Organize your workspace Some people […]
LinkedIn has conducted a survey on the rate of staff turnover around the world. Canada ranks fourth among countries where it is the highest. 21% for France, 17.6% for the United Kingdom, 17.5% for Australia, 16% for Canada and 13% for the United States – staff turnover rates are reason for concern in these countries. […]
The hiring interview is over, you move on hoping to have news one day… That’s the attitude most candidates adopt, but did you know there’s another option? Thanking the recruiter, send a message to thank him or her for the attention they gave to you and to take the opportunity to multiply your chances of […]
The New Year is underway and good resolutions have begun to emerge, including in human resources. Top priorities for HR managers for 2018 will include improving engagement and productivity, and financial support for employees, particularly for retirement. According to the annual Human Resources Trends by Morneau Shepell, the top three priorities for HR managers for […]
The Canadian Payroll Association has just released the results of a survey that focuses on the impact of financial stress on worker performance. It is a series of studies launched by the Canadian Payroll Association for Financial Literacy Month. The latest finding is that half of Canadian workers believe that financial stress has an impact […]
Canada’s workforce will be facing fundamental changes in the coming years. Business leaders and politicians need to prepare workers for these disruptions. The Intelligence Revolution: Future-proofing Canada’s workforce. This is the title of a report co-authored by Deloitte Canada and the HRPA (Human Resources Professionals Association). It urges business and political leaders to prepare workers […]
The Canadian Payroll Association conducted an online survey of over 4,700 people representing a wide range of sectors across the country. It reveals that Canadians put little money aside. Living from one paycheque to the next is daily life for half of Canadians. The Canadian Payroll Association survey found that 41% of the country’s employees […]
Morneau Shepell published its Human Resources Trends in early August, which reveals that employers anticipate a wage increase of 2.3% on average for 2018. 2.3% wage increase on average for next year is a bit better than the 2.2% of this year. Employers are cautiously optimistic, with four times more counting on better financial results […]
It’s well known – there are sectors where employees can wear casual dress and others where it is frowned upon... But this boundary is becoming more and more blurred.
Music while working are you in favour of this practice? Do your colleagues’ conversations disturb you, are you having a hard time concentrating, or can you simply not go without music for even a few minutes, so you always work with earbuds in your ears? If so, you are far from being the only one, […]
The government of Canada on June 12 launched the Global Skills Strategy to make it easier for business and stimulate economic growth and employment.
Employee engagement has a direct impact on productivity, as most companies know. However, they do not all use measures to assess the first to improve the second.