According to the AXA survey “Barometer Centered Retirement”, carried out in 11 countries involving 6 915 people, it is in Canada that seniors are among the most active! (14% of those surveyed)
5 years for jobWings and 3 new sites The Education Fair and the Training Career Fair change hands Quebecdetail becomes New environmental job search tool for Native Canadians Fido abandons Taleo passes the 10 000 members mark
Humiliation invitation The American job board Dice invites unhappy employees to humiliate their colleagues with the help of an online game which allows them (among other things) to throw pizza or jelly donuts in their face. A viral marketing venture in questionable taste…
Following flight simulators on computers, here is a simulator of the life in a company. As in the real life in a company, you must look after your relationships with colleagues, play the political game and complete your daily tasks. You are stuck to either a union delegate or a sales representative and you have to complete various missions like faking company accounts or getting the boss’s son fired. Of course…anything is allowed to reach your goals.
Open letter to candidatesYou ask me what you must say or do in order to get a promotion or a new job, well then you should know what I don’t want to hear anymore! So, in 2006 please don’t say to me anymore...
What will be recruiter’s resolutions in 2006? Here is a short list to get you thinking…
How do you ensure you get a sufficient quantity of candidates from newspapers ads? Here is an indisputable method…
The corporate clock This morning, while opening the door to your office you realized that it has been ten years (already!) since you came through it for the first time. You’ve just realized how time flies, as if suddenly a voice inside whispered to you: “Help, I’ve become part of the furniture.”
November 21 marks an important date for salary equity. In principal, from now on women will earn an equal salary for an equivalent job.
Admit it!You didn’t see that one coming did you? Since you have at last finalized the salary equity program, and your salary scale has been minutely studied, “benchmarked” and revised with your financial advisors, you think that things will be peaceful for some time. But lo and behold, this morning one of your colleagues came to ask you for a salary review, basically: They want a raise!
In a recruitment process, the selection interview represents a crucial step and the attitude adopted by the candidate can be a gage of success. But what can we say about that of the recruiter?