Generation Y is entering the workforce, bringing with it a knowledge of new technologies, creativity, optimism, awareness of what it wants and how to get it.
Christine Simard possesses some 20 years' experience. In turn corporate manager, trainer or consultant, she can boast about having implemented many services both in Canada and abroad. As was the case for the baby boomer generation, generation Y (comprising youths 18 to 25 years of age) will leave a trace of its passing; perhaps not as big as that of their grandparents, but big enough to have a large impact on society. Generation Y will carve out a place for itself to a much greater extent than the generation that preceded it (generation X).
One is hearing about them more and more. Despite this, most of us are unable to really describe who they are. The experts predict that they will turn our habits, values and the way we think about work upside down, as did the baby boomers before them. But who are they really? Portrait of a new generation.
In Japan, a country with very highexpectations from its employees, an online textile retailer last month carriedout an unusual form of recruiting that reached new heights, literally as wellas figuratively.
Evaluation: Directions for use Who actually appreciates the “notorious” ? It’s rare to find someone who perceives the event in a positive and constructive manner, whatever side of the table they may find themselves on.
Don’t forget to encourage your colleagues with a friendly pat on the back now and again…
Work location: Various It is the number 1 criteria for candidates. THE most important, and for a good reason. Not everyone is ready to abandon everything for a job. The majority of candidates are easily more willing to change jobs rather than move to another region, province or country. Some candidates even turn up their noses at the idea of going to the other side of a bridge!
Did you say retention or detention? The word retention seems to be used more and more in HR jargon, probably encouraged by the alarming predictions of a shortage in the labour force. This term gives a derogatory connotation to an originally positive goal: keeping one’s best resources.
Bad pack! By always posting your offers in the same newspaper or on the same website, you will always end up with the same pool of candidates.To not use various sources, is to ignore the variety of candidates.
What are good reasons for not divulging a company’s identity during the recruitment process?
The counter-offer Oh how we hate counter-offers! Eh? Especially when you are on the side that finds itself having to outbid? Worthwhile? A necessary evil? A sign of a shortage in the workforce, it makes no difference; we must deal with them and know how to distinguish between those who play games and those who negotiate sincerely. Such a challenge!
BLBR1116-MS-B86 co-writer of the writing of the title of a posting which is difficult to read (N-3*) – 542354… Not so long ago, we began elaborating job posting titles, or at least making them original, in order to ensure more interesting returns on postings. This era seems to have evolved since the tendency now is to make them complicated.