

Building pre-retiree loyalty

Today, few companies feel the need to build the loyalty of employees at the end of their careers. And yet, with a growing shortage of candidates, retaining pre-retirees is shaping up to be a challenge in the long term. Here are a few tips on tackling this big issue.


Can one be “too” empathetic?

Being empathetic means experiencing emotional distress for people suffering. While it is possible to be too empathetic in certain jobs, hindering work performance, methods exist to control excess empathy.


The five drivers of employee engagement

Are your employees motivated? Juice Inc. looked at the tricky issue of engagement in the "Five Drivers of Engagement" study, which analyzed the factors to consider...


Is the CV obsolete?

Absolutely not, but while the content remainsrelevant, the form is blossoming.


Drumming to awaken company spirit

Reinforcing team bonding using tamtams is the unusual idea of Boom! The Power of Rhythm.


“Green” offices

If reusable bags and recycling have become a fact of life at home, the ecological mindset is not as developed in the workplace. What can companies do to become 'greener'?


Orienting a new employee—something to plan ahead of time!

Everything is not decided on the first day but almost… Paradoxically, orienting a new employee is often not high on the list of Human Resources priorities, a bad habit which can be corrected by following a few basic tips.


Disabled workers: accommodation under fire

As far as reasonable accommodation is concerned, one hears about religion far more often than disabilities. And yet, a certain number of obligations apply to Canadian companies. Human resources professionals, here's what you should know to find balanced solutions in accommodation files.


Manpower survey: 3 tips to mitigate the impending retirement wave

With the approaching retirement of 7.5 million baby boomers in Canada, the participation rate could fall to 60% in 20 years, vs 67.5% in 2004...


Spring Clean: discover new space

When April showers begin, our own offices can feel like they are bursting at the seams. Files are full of old papers, little piles of papers have grown, and even multiplied in the night...


Life drawing and drawing on life

Do you get lost in the vortex of your job ? A new year is a natural time to re-commit oneself to being a lifelong learner...


Posting a Job: Control Checklist

You're ready to post your job on line. You have one doubt, however: have you forgotten anything?

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